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About Us

Welcome to Templepatrick Parent Teacher Association!

Who we are:

A group of parents and teachers who get together once a month to organise fundraising activities and events. Our main aim is to raise funds for the school, to support the education of our children and to strengthen the school community. We also run events to provide enjoyment for the children or an opportunity for parents to get together.

Why do we exist?

Our school would not have the facilities it currently enjoys if it was not for the PTA. Quite simply, the funding Templepatrick Primary School & Nursery Unit receives barely covers essential items and if we want the best for our children, it is up to us to provide the extras which make our school one of the best equipped in this area.

What does the PTA do?

To raise money, we run events such as the Christmas and Summer Fayres, non-uniform days, ‘Brown Money Week’, raffles and competitions. We have cake sales, we sell S’more kits, print Christmas Cards, sell decorations… We are always open to suggestions for fundraising ideas.

We also like to encourage the school community to give back to charity, and have recently organised collections for the Foodbank, NSPCC and the Ukraine appeal.

For the children’s enjoyment we organise Christmas parties and discos and a leaving event for the P7 pupils.

We also have quiz nights and social evenings, and support the school by providing refreshments when required at different events.

What is the money raised used for?

We have funded the play equipment in the playgrounds, the outdoor classroom and garden, interactive whiteboards in the classrooms, reading books and musical instruments. We purchased the Accelerated Reading Scheme for the use of the pupils. If Mr Cromie identifies a need, we do our best to supply the funding.

Why should I get involved?

Mr Cromie and all the staff here work hard to provide all our children with the best educational experience possible. The PTA play an important role in achieving this by providing funds for resources and activities.

We have had many successful fundraising events in the past, but this success has only been achieved by the hard work and dedication of a few people who volunteer. We need new members with fresh ideas and enthusiasm as, even though our school has over 450 pupils, there is only a small number of parents involved with the PTA.   This obviously limits the events we can run and will affect what we can provide for the school, so we would appeal to you to get involved.

Sometimes the perception of the PTA from those not involved is that there are lots of people with too much time on their hands running it for fun. In our school unfortunately this is not the case—we all have many family and work commitments, we don’t always have enough time and we don’t always have enough people to help. We aren’t just doing this for fun (although it is fun and a great way to get to know other parents!).  We are doing this because the school needs us to. Our PTA really needs parents to represent every class in the school—can you help? We need volunteers to help at events – can you help? How much or how little you choose to get involved is up to you, any time you can give is welcome!

Our Committee

Anita O’Connell (Chair) – “I’m Anita, I’ve got Cassie in P6 and Georgia in P4. This is my 7th year on PTA and 4th year as Chair. It’s so good to have so many join this year. Really looking forward to getting to know everyone around school and organising some fun events for the kids”

Norah Gilliland (Vice-Chair) – “Hi everyone, I’m Norah, the Vice-Chair of the PTA. This is my 1st year in the PTA and on the Committee. I have 2 boys, Ethan in P4 and Ryan in P1”

Caroline Britton-Hall (Treasurer) – “Hi, I’m Caroline, I am Treasurer. This is my 5th year in the PTA and my third on the Committee. I’ve 2 children left at TPS – Charley in P6 and Freddie in P4”

Kim Coulter (Vice-Treasurer) – “Hi, I’m Kim. This will be my 4th year of the PTA and 3rd on the Committee. This year I’m taking on the Vice-Treasurer role. I have Ava in P4 and Logan in P1”

Gemma Hamilton (Secretary) – “Hi, I’m Gemma and I have Chloe in P5 and Charlie in P3. I only joined the PTA last year, happy to be involved as Secretary this year, and I’m looking forward to the normal events resuming this year as much as possible”

How to Contact Us

You can send us a message us at any time via social media or email – queries, suggestions, ideas and offers to help are all welcome!

Facebook: @tpatrickpta

Instagram: @templepatrickpta
